11 research outputs found


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    The Semantic Web is based on Resource Description Framework (RDF) which is widely used in practice. RDF represents information by only binary predicates. This simple representation scheme is the basis of an elaborate layers of methodologies, called Semantic Web Layer Cake. Though simple, it is very powerful for modeling data and basic knowledge. However, it is very limited in representing their temporal variation. Reification is the method proposed in RDF for modeling temporal changes in data and knowledge. Moreover, reification is cumbersome since it requires at least four more triples to represent just one temporal fact. By their very nature, RDF repositories are large in general and reification causes them to explode in size. In this paper, we review Semantic Web techniques that are proposed for representing temporal data in RDF.

    Design and evaluation of a Query processing system for data base nachine networks.

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    Ph.D. - Doctoral Progra

    Innovation through Patient Health Records

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    Comparison of historical relational query languages

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    We introduce a historical relational data model in which N1NF relations are used and 1-level of nesting is allowed. Attributes can either be atomic or temporal atom. An atomic attribute represents a time invariant attribute. A temporal atom consists of two components, a value and a temporal set, which is a set of times denoting the validity period of the value. We define a relational tuple calculus for this model. We follow a comparative approach towards completeness of historical query languages

    BtSQL: nested bitemporal relational database query language

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    A nested bitemporal relational data model and its query language are implemented. The bitemporal atom (BTA) is the fundamental construct to represent temporal data and it contains 5 components: a value, the lower and upper bounds of valid time, and the lower and upper bounds of the recoding time. We consider 2 types of data structures for storing BTAs: 1) string representation and 2) abstract data-type representation. We also develop a preprocessor for translating a bitemporal structured query language (BtSQL) statement into standard SQL statements. The BtSQL includes the select, insert, delete, and update statements of the SQL, extended for bitemporal relational databases. It supports bitemporal, historical, and current context. Bitemporal context is for auditing purposes, historical context is for querying past states of a bitemporal database, and current context is for querying the snapshot state of a bitemporal database. We also evaluate the performance of the 2 alternative implementation methods by considering retrieval, insertion, and update queries